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OBS Kedjesågen är i första hand tänkt som en nödsåg vid överlevnadssituationer. I Sverige tillåter Allemansrätten att man plockar löst liggande grenar men du får inte bryta eller såga från levande träd eller vindfällen. I filmen sågar jag på min egen mark bara för att visa vad sågen klarar av.
Tack, men jag låter nog helst bli... Frivillig låter sig klippas av en robot. The Multi-Arm UGV Unmanned Ground Vehicle demonstrates its dexterity by shaving a volunteer’s head to raise money for the St. Baldrick’s Foundation, a charity committed in funding research for finding a cure for childhood cancer. Giraff is a product of Giraff Technologies AB Roomba is a product of iRobot Corporation
An impressive model fighter jet by the Mibo Jets is the J-29/E/F version of the swedish fighter Saab 29 Tunnan which was nicknamed "Flygande Tunnan" Flying Barrel.
Att delfiner leker i svallvågorna efter båtar är inte ovanligt.Men att deras större kusin späckhuggaren dyker upp under båttrippen något helt annat och det går knappast att ta miste på dom här passagerarnas skräckblandade förtjusning över sällskapet. Trots att späckhuggaren är havets mest effektiva jägare och till och med kan döda och äta vithajar visar den här flocken att dom kan vara precis lika lekfulla som sina mindre släktingar i delfinfamiljen.
I built a prawn trap from lawyer cane, sticks and vine. Then I caught some prawns and ate them. Prawn and fish traps are simple traps designed to catch aquatic life due to their shape. It consists of a simple basket with a funnel shaped entrance. Prawns easily find their way into the trap as they are funneled in, but have difficulty finding the way out. I wove the main body of the trap from lawyer cane then made the funnel from sticks with vines woven between them. The funnel was then inserted in the top of the basket and was complete. I put the trap in the water under some tree roots without any bait. About 10 minutes later caught the first prawn which I stored in a pot of water. I caught another one and made a fire. I humanely killed the prawn using the splitting method which destroys the central nervous system boiling alive is more painful. Then I put them back in the pot with water. I collected some yams that I planted years ago from wild stock and put them in too. I took 5 hot rocks from the fire and put them in the pot boiling the contents. The prawns turned red after cooking. They were peeled and eaten. The yams were also peeled and eaten. This method of catching prawns is easy with the only skill needed being basketry. In practice, a long stretch of creek might have several traps collecting food each day without any effort on the part of the fisherman. Bait is not necessary to catch prawns as they will be naturally be drawn to the fish trap out of curiosity. But scraps from previous prawns may be used to bring in new ones they are cannibalistic or other fish like eels. The prawn trap is easy to build and can be reused many times.
This little house grows its own food, filters it’s own water without a well, and has very simple moveable solar systems. Soooo cool To learn how to build one go to http://www.earthship.com
In this episode you’ll learn the most important facts about a tanks’ primary armament: which cannon was used on the first tank, why howitzers were installed on some tanks, and how a tank cannon differs from a field cannon.
Lär dig bla att göra snöre och annat du inte hade med ut i skogen när du gick vilse. Wilderness survival. A person who get lost is illustrated and at the same time 5 points of survival. This episode deals with immobilizing fear, our need for warmth & water, spruce roots as string, fire with fire steel, tinder, feather sticks & fire wood, spruce bows as a bed and smoke signal.
"The Wabash Cannonball" is an American folk song about a fictional train, thought to have originated in the late nineteenth century. Its first documented appearance was on sheet music published in 1882, titled "The Great Rock Island Route" and credited to J. A. Roff.