Kategorin Filmklipp innehåller fräcka filmklipp och instressanta filmklipp. Nya filmklipp läggs till i arkivet dagligen. Skicka gärna vidare bra filmklipp till dina vänner. Glöm inte rösta på de filmklipp du ser på.
Swedish tanks were built with Scandinavian precision. They were expensive, high-quality, and produced in limited quantities. It may seem strange that a country that never fought in the 20th century managed to create their own tank building legacy. That is why we’re shining a spotlight on the story of how the most famous Swedish vehicles, from Landsverk to Strv 103, were created.
Elaine Eksvärd lär oss få tyst på monologmonstret - Nyhetsmorgon TV4
Nyhetsmorgon i TV4 från 2015-05-13: Vi stöter alla på dom ibland - personer som pratar och pratar och pratar. Men det finns några knep för att knipa av ordflödet.
Slow down, take a breath, and enjoy the countryside, where life takes on a peaceful more gentle pace. Lancaster County is home to America’s oldest Amish settlement, where thousands still live a centuries old plain lifestyle.