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Elvis Presley - Little Sister/Get Back 29/07/70 Rehearsal Version complete and with new audio
’Little Sister’ was one of the songs in Elvis’ setlist that would endure throughout his live era includinh his final show in Indianapolis on 26 June 1977. Ironically, the song was recorded in Nashville in RCA’s Studio B exactly sixteen years to the day before that final live performance and could be regarded as one of the few genuine rock ’n’ roll songs that Elvis recorded in those first few post army recording sessions. When Elvis first introduced it into his live show it was during that memorable sit down section during his 12 August 1970 Midnight show and he fused it together with The Beatles’ ’Get Back’ into an excellent medley.
A home is a place where you feel safe and maybe even a place you feel comfortable enough to walk around in our underwear. But imagine one day, sat on the couch in your tighty whities, you look over and see a small handle in the floor underneath the coffee table. You open the trap door to find a hidden room and evidence that someone has actually been living there all along Ok, so this scenario is fictional, but here are ten hidden rooms that actually were found in people homes.
This is a long-awaited flight video of my 1:96 scale P-51. It used to be a very unreliable flier, and I never managed to video any of its few successful flights. Its many crashes rendered it unable to fly at all. So I took a step back and developed an enhanced version of the Rabbit radio receiver to include 3-axis gyro stabilization. This did the trick of bringing the plane under control, and this video is the result. ELEGANT