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HMS Carlskrona stävar vidare mot de pirathärjade farvattnen utanför Somalias kust. Nyligen passerades Suezkanalen i sällskap av många handelsfartyg vilka utgör en del av det, för hela världen, livsviktiga handelsflödet. Före passagen av Suezkanalen gjordes ett stopp i Alexandria för bunkring. En deluppgift för ME02 är att skydda handelsfartyg från piratangrepp. Behovet av denna uppgift blir väldigt påtaglig när besättningen såg de stora ansamlingarna av handelsfartyg i bägge ändar av Suezkanalen. Foto: Nicklas Gustafsson/ Combat Camera
Motortorpedbåt T38 - Sveriges häftigaste museifartyg?
På Marinmuseum i Karlskrona finns Motortorpedbåt T 38, en åldrad veteran som vägrar dra ner på tempot. Trots att hon är byggd i början av 50-talet är det full fart framåt som gäller.
A real life capsule to sleep in. Cool This is one of the most "ONLY in JAPAN" experiences possible — staying in a capsule hotel in a Japanese city. It’s cheap and convenient but why do people actually stay here? Is it ... you know ... big enough?
If youve ever wondered how a fighter aircraft with a huge and noisy radial engine like the WW2 Corsair could end up with a nickname that refers to the whistling noise it makes in a high speed dive this is the video you’ve been waiting for. Crank up your sound system and listen to the whistle...
700 Swedish, Finnish, UK, and US Marines Conduct an Amphibious Landing
Five thousand six hundred air, maritime and ground forces are taking part in a multinational maritime exercise. It’s the 43rd iteration of BALTOPS 2015 in Poland, Sweden, Germany and throughout the Baltic Sea. The exercise is designed to enhance flexibility and interoperability, as well as demonstrate the resolve of allied and partner forces to defend the Baltic region. A total of 49 ships, 61 aircraft, one submarine and a combined landing force of 700 Swedish, Finnish, UK and US troops are participating from 17 NATO nations and partner nations.
1946 The First man-made massive tsunami ever recorded in History
this is total record about the first man-made massive tsunami cause by an underwater atomic exploding ,rare footage shows the tsunami and it’s effect in 1946 this compare with 2011 Japan’s earthquake ,the energy of atomic bomb like baby music conposer: Yen Chih Zass