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This is my Compact Electric Vtol 1seater manned multicopter Koncepto Millenya Perfect for personal land survey, farms,solarfeild inspections,beach house,lake house or for simply enjoying some recreational flying. It has a 15min flight for now and capable of 100kg Payload or Pilot. All electronic components are redundant including Flight controller and batteries... The frame is made from Aluminum and Carbon fiber composite making this very light yet safe and strong... with almost zero maintenance and very easy to fly its the perfect personal flying machine.
Under perioden 5-20 juni genomförs den årligen återkommande multinationella övningen Baltops. Baltops har genomförts sedan 1971 och gagnar förtroendeskapande relationer och kunskapsutbyten mellan deltagande nationer, Sverige har tidigare deltagit vid 23 tillfällen. I år låg Sveriges fokus på att öva landstigning med amfibiesoldater. Foto: Alexander Gustavsson, Anton Thorstensson /Försvarsmakten
US Nuclear Submarine passes through Panama Canal | Sunday November 1, 2015
Former Navy Submariner ET1 SS/DS Kammerdiener catches a United States Naval Nuclear Submarine passing through the Panama Canal, Panama during daylight hours. Nuclear Submarine very rarely pass through the Panama Canal, normally two times per year and almost never during daylight hours.
This clip is raw from Camera E-8 on the launch umbilical tower/mobile launch program of Apollo 11, July 16, 1969 The camera is running at 500 fps, making the total clip of over 8 minutes represent just 30 seconds of actual time.
The Bleriot XI was the first of Louis Bleriot’s aircraft designs to be wholly successful. He proved exactly how successful a machine it was by several cross-country flights before thinking about attempting to cross the channel.
Narcissist, Psychopath, or Sociopath: How to Spot the Differences
What is the difference between a sociopath, a psychopath, and a narcissist? Here to tell us is leading psychologist and author of "Should I Stay or Should I Go: Surviving a Narcissistic Relationship" Dr. Ramani Durvasula.
There are so many different animals in the world that nobody even knows the exact number of existing species. Here are 12 strange animals that you should run from as fast as you can if you ever encounter them in the wild.