Rysken´s Tackelsnack #18 How to knyta en mete/flötestrolling tafs på Coated-wire.
En första "how to". Hur man knyter en tafs utan crimps eller twinn. Ett enkelt sett som du kan applicera på spinnfiske stingers och andra delar av ditt fiske
We spent a whole dive and most of our air saving this octopus from what was bound to be a cruel fate. The coconut octopus, also known as veined octopus, is born with the instinct to protect itself by creating a mobile home out of coconut or clam shells. This particular individual however has been trapped by their instincts and have made a home out of a plastic cup they found underwater. While a shell is a sturdy protection, a passing eel or flounder would probably swallow the cup with the octopus in it, most likely also killing the predator or weakening it to a point where it will be soon eaten by an even bigger fish. We found this particular octopus at about 20 meters under the water, we tried for a long time to give it shells hoping that it would trade the shell. Coconut octopus are famous for being very picky about which shells they keep so we had to try with many different shells before it found one to be acceptable.
We all know that honey badgers think they are the boss of the bush… Well, this mother honey badger surely is She had no second thoughts charging in on a hungry leopard to save her baby.
Klara – en månad efter vargattacken Klara – one month after the wolf attack
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Filmen när två vargar attackerar jämthunden Klara blev en nyhet i hela världen. Svensk Jakt har träffat Klara och hennes familj en månad efter den blodiga attacken.
Vargar attackerar jämthundstiken Klara wolves attack hunting dog
Jämthundstiken Klara släpptes vid Ransjön i Sunne kommun på älgjaktspremiären den 12 oktober 2015. Plötsligt attackerades hon av två vargar – och kampen blev lång. Vid angreppet bar Klara en så kallad vargväst med stålpiggar på ryggen. Attacken är filmad av en hundkamera som Klara bar vid jakttillfället. Läs mer på http://svenskjakt.se/Start/Nyheter/20...